Please contact our office (425-466-5210) if you ever have questions about a dental emergency. The guidelines below are helpful to read to prepare you to know what to do if an emergency or accident happens.

Toothache: If your child has a toothache, gently clean his or her mouth with a toothbrush and floss and make sure that there is nothing caught between or around the teeth. Do not apply heat to the gum or tooth. If your child’s cheek or face is swollen, apply a cold compress and contact us immediately. If the pain persists for more than a day, please contact us for additional treatment options.

Cuts: If your child has bitten their tongue, lip, or cheek has been cut in their mouth, apply firm but gentle pressure with a clean cloth or gauze to stop the bleeding. Apply ice to the area to reduce swelling and relieve pain. If the bleeding does not stop, call a doctor or take your child to an instacare or emergency room.

Knocked out tooth:

  1. Primary tooth:  If your child’s baby tooth has been knocked out, it does not usually cause problems or require treatment. Contact us during regular business hours.
  2. Permanent tooth: If your child has had a permanent tooth knocked out, contact our office immediately! If possible, find and save the tooth. Hold it by the crown, not the root. Rinse the tooth with water, but do not clean with soap. If the tooth is not cracked or damaged, try to put it back in the original socket and have your child hold it in place by biting on gauze. If you cannot put the tooth back in its socket, put it in a cup containing the patient’s saliva or milk.

Chips and Fractures: If your child has chipped or cracked a tooth, contact their dentist immediately. If you do not take any action, the tooth could become infected and require extensive dental treatment. Rinse your child’s mouth thoroughly with water. If fragments have broken off, save them and bring them with you to the dentist.

Broken jaw: Use a cold compress to reduce swelling. Call our emergency number or go to the hospital immediately if you can’t contact us. Sometimes a broken jaw is a result of the blow to the head, which can be dangerous and life-threatening.

Avoiding injuries:

  • Childproof your houses to avoid falls
  • Don’t allow your child to chew on ice, popcorn kernels or hard foods
  • Use car seats for young children and seatbelts for other children.
  • Provide a custom fitted mouth guard for your child to wear during contact sports.
  • Prevent toothaches with regular brushing, flossing and visits to our office